Whether you're organizing an online campaign or hosting a gala event, we're dedicated to helping you raise more. From donations and silent auctions, to raffles and event ticketing - GalaBid’s streamlined solution makes fundraising easy and cost-effective.
Since 2011, we've empowered thousands of fundraisers to make a meaningful impact for important causes. Join our amazing community and let’s raise more, together!
Create your campaign and choose either free-to-use or one of the paid software options.
Campaigns are Ad free and your supporters' data is only used to facilitate your campaign!
Add auction, raffle or donation or event ticketing items. Or, a combination of the four!
We offer an extensive, no risk catalog of sale-or-return auction items to boost your fundraising total!
Customize the design of your fundraising campaign. Set up payments, so all funds raised go directly to your cause!
Our dedicated support team is one click away, ready to assist you with any aspect of your fundraising campaign, from set-up to guidance on maximizing your fundraising potential.
Do you need to create a visually attractive and highly effective fundraising website? As an alternative to our paid pricing options, GalaBid software can be used free of charge. That's right! On free software campaigns a suggested tip to GalaBid is added to participants' invoices. If participants opt out, you still receive the software free of charge. See what's included in the free option.
Set your starting bid and an increment to apply after the starting bid has been placed.
Set your and automatic close time for your auction. Automatic End of Auction notifications including payment links are enabled by default.
Say goodbye to paper. Tickets and receipts are automatically delivered to the purchaser’s email or phone.
Display your target to participants and your progress in a visually impactful way.
Apple and Google Pay offer participants quick, convenient and secure campaign payments.
Your campaign funds are delivered to your bank account directly from Stripe. No middleman. Fast payouts.
There is no cost to add GalaBid auction items and the process is risk free. When an item sells, all proceeds above the cost of the item are automatically directed to your campaign.
Items that don’t sell are simply returned to the catalog and there's no cost to the campaign. Rest assured your winners are in good hands. Our redemptions team takes care of the entire booking process.
We’re trusted by tens of thousands of fundraising organizations, including global charities, school PTA’s, church groups, sports clubs, and individual fundraisers. Our versatile platform is suitable for a wide range of events, such as high-profile gala dinners, golf days, and community fundraising events, as well as online-only fundraising campaigns. Whether your campaign is online-only, or online as part of an event, our platform is user-friendly for both administrators and supporters.
✓ US Dollars
✓ Canadian Dollars
✓ Great British Pounds
✓ Australian Dollars
✓ Euros
✓ New Zealand Dollars
✓ Emirati Dirham
✓ Hong Kong Dollars
✓ Singaporean Dollars
If the free pricing structure doesn’t quite suit your needs, the fixed percentage pricing is a flexible alternative.
The fixed percentage charge is 4.75%*. This applies to all our fundraising solutions, including auctions. You can choose to cover the costs and deduct from the amount raised by your fundraiser. Or, you can pass the costs onto your fundraiser participants by adding an amount to each bid or donation. The third option is to split the cost between you and your supporters. For example, you may choose to cover 2% of the cost and pass the rest on via an amount added to bids and donations.
If you have corporate sponsorship, you may prefer to use these funds to cover the platform costs. Or you may simply prefer not to ask your supporters to participate in an opt-in feature. Whatever your reasons, fixed pricing offers you the flexibility to structure the platform costs in a way that suits you.
*excludes Stripe charges and costs.
With over a decade’s experience, we know fundraising. Our fundraising platform has helped tens of thousands of events and fundraisers around the world raise more. GalaBid's online fundraising technology is specifically designed for fundraisers and is packed with features that maximize results online and at events.
GalaBid fundraising platform can be used free of charge. That's right! On free campaigns a suggested tip to GalaBid is added to participants' invoices. If participants opt out, you still receive the software free of charge.